I boarded a mini six-man plane, no idea what I was getting myself into.
As I flew over the Amazon, the little plane rattling – a turbulence I had never experienced before – I gripped my seat and peeked out of the window, looking down over what I can only explain resembled mini broccolis.
After about 2 hours, I landed in the little municipality of Jordão located in the western region of the Brazilian state of Acre.
The Huni Kuin Tribe’s leader, Txana Ixa, invited me into his home, where members of the community gathered around me curiously, exchanging words in a language like nothing I had ever heard before.
All the children where excited and in awe of this “white, tall, strange looking girl”. After some hesitation they finally warmed up to me, took me by the hand, sitting me down in the centre of the wooden living room floor. Seven kids between the ages of three and twelve all gathered around, and with squeals of laughter started painting my hands, feet, arms, legs, toes, fingers and face with a natural ink they extract from a plant called Genipapo. Creating traditional imprints on my skin; Protection before going into the great forest that is the Amazon.
Here is a tiny little glimpse of what it’s like to live amongst the Huni Kuin People.
Shot on Canon 5D Mark iii & Mavic Pro DJI